
Jamplate Processor

This documentation is describing the components of Jamplate Processor. The exact specifics is left in the Javadocs. This is just an overview.


The tree is the main component in the processor. The tree is a structure holding indices of an area in the text. Additionally, the trees can be added together to perform a skeleton of the text. Tree skeletons are completely auto sorted and with a set of trees and without even known the indices, a whole beautiful skeleton of trees can be structured.

The following example is describing how to read a skeleton from any tree in the skeleton:

    Tree tree = /* Any Tree in the skeleton */;

    //to get the tree to the right
    Tree right = tree.getNext();

    //to get the tree to the left
    Tree left = tree.getPrevious();

    //to get the containing tree
    Tree parent = tree.getParent();

    //to get the tree of the first contained tree
    Tree firstChild = tree.getChild();

    //to iterate over the contained trees
    for (Tree child : tree)

The following example is describing how a set of lonely trees can be glued together:

    Set<Tree> treeSet = /* A Set of Trees */;

    Iterator<Tree> iterator = treeSet.iterator();

    if (iterator.hasNext()) {
        //take any tree to be the viewpoint, ANY TREE
        Tree viewpoint = iterator.next();

        while(iterator.hasNext()) {
            Tree next = iterator.next();

            //like magic, the trees will sort themselves
            //the viewpoint might not be changed because
            //the 'offer' method will cause the parameter
            //tree to be popped from the skeleton it is
            //currently on.

    //Now all the Trees in the Tree Set are glued together.
    //Any tree in the Tree Set can be the viewpoint.

The following are the setters and getters in Tree:

    Tree.getSketch(); Tree.setSketch(Sketch);


A sketch is an open unit that hold thoughts about some component. Sketches are an optional way for the processor functions to mark a Tree as a specific component or to set a thought about it. Other than depending on the Trees system, every Sketch has a Component System that makes the Sketch able to hold and remember component sketches with strict relations between the two. The Component System does not allow explicitly set a sketch as a component to another sketch. Instead, the user might ask the sketch to give them a sketch that is already set as a component. Also, the user might ask to replace the current set component sketch with a new one. Another System in Sketch is the Sketch-Tree relationship. Every tree must have a sketch set to it and can replace it anytime. In the other side, Sketches might not have a tree. But, once a sketch obtained a Tree, it cannot be changed.

The following code describes how to set/get the Tree of a Sketch:

    Sketch sketch = /* A Sketch */;
    Tree tree = /* A Tree */;

    //This method will return the set Tree
    //Or null if not set yet.

    //This method will set the Tree of the sketch
    //Or throw an exception if the sketch already 
    //has a Tree set.

The following code describes how to obtain a Component Sketch of a Sketch:

    Sketch sketch = /* A Sketch */;
    Node.Key key = /* Component Key */;

    //This method will return the current component 
    //sketch or create a new one if the sketch does
    //not have a component with that key. 

    //This method will unlink the component with the 
    //key currently set in the sketch and replace it
    //with a new one.

The following are the setters and getters of the initial thoughts:

    Sketch.getKind(); Sketch.setKind(String);
    Sketch.getName(); Sketch.setName(String);