
Jamplate Gradle Plugin

Jamplate Gradle Plugin is the plugin to auto execute jamplate before compiling java code and then feeding the generated java source code to the compiler. The plugin can be customized to provide the Jamplate Processor with default memory allocations.


To use the jamplate gradle plugin using jitpack:

	apply plugin: 'java'
	apply plugin: 'jamplate'

	buildscript() {
		repositories {
			maven {
				url 'https://jitpack.io'

		dependencies {
			//replace 'TAG' with the desired version
			classpath 'org.jamplate:gradle:TAG'


To configure the default memory allocations, you might use the jamplate extension as follows:

	jamplate {
	    //here you can put all the default mappigns you want
	    memory 'Text', 'Value'
	    memory 'Object', [ "Key": "Value" ]
	    memory 'Array', [ "item1", "item2" ]
	    memory 'Dynamic', { memory -> 'Dynamic Variable' }
	    memory "Random", { (long) (Math.random() * (1L << 60)) }
	    memory "Document", { it.frame.instruction?.tree?.document() }


To implement the jamplate gradle plugin using jitpack:

	repositories {
		maven { url 'https://jitpack.io' }

	dependencies {
		//replace `Tag` with the targeted version.
		implementation 'org.jamplate:gradle:Tag'