
Jamplate Executable

Jamplate Executable is a jar executable that executes Jamplate Processor.

Portable Installation

The steps to obtain a portable executable:

  1. Download the executable jamplate.zip file.

  1. Extract jamplate.zip to the directory you want to use the jamplate executable on.

Windows System Installation

The steps to install the jamplate executable to the whole System:

  1. Download the executable jamplate.zip file.

  1. Extract jamplate.zip to the directory of your choice, for example C:/Jamplate/0-2-3/.

  1. Modify to the PATH environment variable the path of the directory where the jamplate.zip file was extracted to.


The ways to execute the jamplate executable:

  • By directly executing jamplate.jar using the java executable:
    java -jar jamplate.jar <Input> <Options>

  • By executing jamplate.bat which automatically executes the jamplate.jar using the java executable:
    jamplate <Input> <Options>


These are the descriptions of the parameters given to the jamplate executable:

  • <Input> the name of the input file or directory.

  • <Options> the options to run the executable with:

    • -o <Dir> an option specifying the output directory. (if not specified it will be output)

    • <Key>=<Value> an option specifying a mapping in the default memory mapping <Value> to <Key>.


The following are command examples:

This example will process the files in the directory input with the output directory being output.

    java -jar jamplate.jar input
    jamplate input

This example will process the files in the directory src with the output directory being build and with the mappings: Author=Sulaiman, Version=Alpha.

    java -jar jamplate.jar src -o build Author=Sulaiman Version=Alpha
    jamplate src -o build Author=Sulaiman Version=Alpha